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Turnkey Receptionists Services for Startups: Fuelling Growth and Efficiency 

Turnkey Receptionists Services for Startups: Fuelling Growth and Efficiency 

This week has had its fair share of challenges, much like any other week. It doesn’t matter how many challenges you face, but how you handle them. Sometimes it is worth being a “bull in a China Shop” and just forging your way ahead. Some say “fake it till you make it” Other times you need to take a step back and go back to basics, focus on what you have learned from your teachers and mentors.  
I have had to take a step back this week, and in thinking about the whole situation I have had to take a breath and let myself be human. The thing about admitting you are human is that humans make mistakes. Who honestly likes to admit that you make mistakes?  
A very wise person (I can’t remember who) once told me that ideally you give 100% in everything you do. However, you will have days where you can only give as much as you can, so if like me for today you find yourself only being able to give 80%, that is okay, just make sure it is the best 80% you can give.  

Take Your Small Business to the Next Level with Turnkey Receptionists 

Starting a business comes with a lot of responsibilities; from managing staff, to ensuring that your customers are satisfied with your services- it can become overwhelming. In a competitive world, you’re going to need every bit of help you can get. 

Hiring employees is time consuming, expensive and can prove to be inefficient. What if we told you that there was a way for you to cut down on cost, increase customer satisfaction and increase productivity? This can all become a reality with the help of Turnkey Receptionists! 

What is a Virtual Receptionist? 

Setting up with Turnkey Receptionists is the key for all small businesses. Turnkey Receptionists are able to perform administrative work, recurring tasks and other tasks to help you stay organised. With the help of Turnkey Receptionists, you will be able to offer personalised customer support to your callers as you focus on other high value tasks. With no need for training or additional in-house employees, you can now give your customers a way of getting in touch with you, answer their questions and ensure that no leads are missed. 

Outside of administrative duties, with every business being different, all Turnkey receptionists are trained to accommodate your everyday business needs. With a flexible work schedule, you can choose to set up full-time or part-time hours, ranging from a few hours throughout the week to a full 7-day schedule. 

Traditional Receptionist vs Virtual Receptionist 

A virtual receptionist is a timesaving and cost effective alternative to an in-house receptionist. We work remotely and are able to handle a wide range of tasks. Nowadays, businesses don’t require receptionists to be greeters, but rather someone who is organised and able to manage a wide range of tasks while offering outstanding customer service through different means of communication. 

Benefits of a Virtual Receptionist 

1. High Value Tasks 

As an entrepreneur, performing repetitive tasks doesn’t give you a lot of time to get important things of value done. Turnkey Receptionists will be able to take care of these time-consuming tasks while you focus on high value tasks and making your sales. 

2. There’s No Need for Automated Message Systems 

A way to expedite customer satisfaction and brand recognition is by offering exceptional customer service. With Turnkey Receptionists, you can say “bye bye” to automated messaging systems as your customers will now have access to 24/7 live customer support. 

3. No Training Required 

Hiring and onboarding of new employees is time consuming and expensive. You’ll have to post job openings on multiple media channels, conduct interviews and train. Should an onboarding employee decide to quit, you’ll have to start the tiring process all over again. Hiring Turnkey Receptionists is a lot easier than doing the process on your own. All you need to do is contact us and we will do the rest for you.  

4. They Have More Availability 

There is nothing more overwhelming than coming into the office in the morning to a mountain of unread emails that need to be tended to. This can be time consuming and an all-around stressful way to start your day. An in-house receptionist would typically work set hours on business days, meaning that nobody would be around to answer the phone outside of business hours. Turnkey Receptionists provide you with 24/7 coverage so that when you get to the office in the morning, you can easily distinguish between which emails need to be prioritised. 

If you’re thinking of adding flexibility and availability to your business, Turnkey Receptionists is exactly what you need. We are able to reduce your monthly costs significantly, increase customer satisfaction and increase the overall productivity of your business. Take your business to the next level with Turnkey Receptionists today.