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The Importance of First Impressions

The Importance of First Impressions: Why Your Reception Area Matters More Than You Think. 

First Impressions begin with your reception team. Having a receptionist is vital to business operations and managing your customer’s satisfaction. Clients are always coming through your reception area and the reception area of a business is important for your clients as it will dictate customer retention for the business.

Holding on to your clients starts with your own friendly virtual assistant because a friendly voice is very personable, and your clients are people. It is very important to make sure that your business’s receptionist is well-trained, and that the business reception area is maintained for the business to run well. 

 When a Customer Calls:

When a customer calls in for the first time, they will need to be greeted by a warm and welcoming voice. This is what our TKR virtual receptionists have for every call we answer! This will not only set the tone of the call but will decide whether the caller will stick with and pay for your service. Your clients deserve to have a warm and efficient reception team to help with day-to-day admin and diary tasks.  

Creating a Good First Impression:

Creating a good first impression for your business will show potential customers that your service is professional and effective. Creating confidence in customers upon their first interactions with your business happens with your virtual receptionist.  

Having a Personal Touch:

Having a personal touch in your business operations with effective and organised  receptionists is the ultimate asset in your business tool kit for strong client relations and professional business practices. A business may underestimate the options available that can be used when dealing with virtual customer calls.

These calls may seem limited and impersonal since the caller may not see a friendly face, but our reception team always answers a call with a warm smile that a caller will hear and respond positively to. Not only gaining the business a new client but also through word of mouth they would make recommendations of your service with their friends and family.  
Your reception area isn’t limited to the doors of the clinic but the virtual space of your customer calls. Calls handled with a warm smile and friendly voice in this space are beneficial to the business and are something that we here at Turnkey Receptionists will always provide for your valued callers.